Happy Customers Equal Great Referrals

By: Joanie Ogg, CTC, MCC We just spent some time at our place in Punta Mita and spruced up our two rental units. We have been renting a couple of our places there for the last 10 years and so much of our business is repeat guests, I decided to find out why our places? […]

eNewsletters – Powerful Media

By: Joanie Ogg, CTC, MCC While the buzz in the online world is that social media and blogging are “The Things To Do”, eNewsletters can still be very powerful and persuasive media and gain you the trust and loyalty of your client base. Since you have already gained their permission to email to you (or […]

Are You In The Zone?

By: Joanie Ogg CTC MCC Some home based businesses fail to give attention to getting permits and licenses for their business. It is one of those things that we think will never be a necessity and likely never a bump in the road for our home-based travel businesses. How likely will it be that a […]

Travel Professionals – You Know Who You Are!

By: Tom Ogg Travel Professionals, you know who you are! Be sure to sing your praises. I received a threatening email from an anonymous person accusing me of supporting a known card mill recently. He or she was downright rude and his or her tone was one of allegation and finger pointing. I was blown […]

The Power of Pinterest

By Andy Ogg Here is how I discovered the power of Pinterest. About a year ago, I took some time and educated myself on Pinterest. Being most definitely “out of the loop” on some of these new social outlets, my fiancé had been using and enjoying Pinterest for years, I had to learn why and […]

Be a Travel Agent Scams – Beware!

By: Tom Ogg Let’s review some information on Travel Like a Travel Agent Scams. For decades now, travel scammers have robbed people of their hard-earned money with outrageous claims and until they are either shut down, or go bankrupt. It has been and sadly continues to be a problem the travel industry faces. When World […]

The World of All Inclusive Resorts

Written By: Geoff Millar, Owner – Ultimate All Inclusive Travel   My name is Geoff Millar and I am the owner of Ultimate All-Inclusive Resorts a large home-based agency that specializes in All Inclusive Resorts. We have specialized in them since 2003. I will be writing a monthly article on various topics, all dealing with All-Inclusive Resorts, […]

App Mania – Who Knew?

As of July 2015 Android users had 1.6 million apps to chose from, while Apple users had a bit less at 1.5 million available apps. The options are literally overwhelming. When someone shares a cool app with me, I immediately download it whether I need it or not. It just seems like it would perhaps […]