The Foundation of Making Sales

By: Scott Koepf, CTC, MCC I encourage you to embrace your inner salesperson and be enthusiastic about not just what you sell but selling itself. If you are not able to admit that you are in the sales business then you probably won’t spend time learning about sales and the skills it requires. Product knowledge […]

Sales, Selling, Travel, Destinations and Success

By Scott Koepf, MCC Sales. Selling. Salesperson. What emotions well up in you when you hear those terms? Travel. Destinations. Vacations. Now what emotions do these words bring up for you? If you are like most people and most travel professionals, the first terms do not bring warm and fuzzy thoughts and may even be […]

Creating Your Travel Agency Marketing Plan

By: Tom Ogg A marketing plan is a separate part of your business plan and spells out the details of how you are going to reach potential clients with the expectation of creating sales and revenue. It details all aspects of your sales and marketing activity including advertising, promotions, direct sales calls, articles, books, online, […]

Your Travel Agency Business Plan

By: Tom Ogg Many travel agents cringe when confronted with the idea of creating a business plan. In fact, if you Google “Business Plan Software” you can easily see why. Most business plan tools are focused on developing thorough and complex business plans for the purpose of obtaining investment or funding. Unless your idea is […]

Happy Customers Equal Great Referrals

By: Joanie Ogg, CTC, MCC We just spent some time at our place in Punta Mita and spruced up our two rental units. We have been renting a couple of our places there for the last 10 years and so much of our business is repeat guests, I decided to find out why our places? […]

eNewsletters – Powerful Media

By: Joanie Ogg, CTC, MCC While the buzz in the online world is that social media and blogging are “The Things To Do”, eNewsletters can still be very powerful and persuasive media and gain you the trust and loyalty of your client base. Since you have already gained their permission to email to you (or […]